Grassland management under grazing
The goal: The rational utilization of grasslands under grazing
The methods and systems for the use of grassland under different grazing systems greatly influence the growth, the floral composition and the productivity of the grass carpet. Grazing with too many or too few animals until abandonment, supplemented by a chaotic grazing management, without a break in the cold season, surely leads to the degradation of the grassy carpet.
A rational grazing system for a longer period induces an improvement of the grass carpet and maintains the grassland quality and productivity.
The researches in this field have led to the practice of a favorable management to achieve an efficient conversion of the pasture forage into animal products of high biological value, characterized by:
- establishment of grazing systems according to the type of meadow, species, breed and age category of animals, based on:
- the study of the fodder resources in the areas in correlation with the limiting factors of their production and quality;
- the level of intensity of production and use;
- the moment of beginning and ending grazing;
- animal preparation and lottery;
- the duration of the grazing season;
- calculation of stocking rate;
- the size and the division of the pasture surface in grazing lots;
- ensuring livestock utilities (forest protection plantations; water supplies; salt shakers; shelters);
- maintenance of pasture after grazing (monthly hygiene of water sources and salting devices; cleaning pastures of invasive woody species and of non-valuable grasses; cleaning of unconsumed residues of animals throughout the grazed area).
- technical-economic analysis of farms.